Electronic Restoration in Medina, Lorain, Cuyahoga, Erie, Huron and Summit counties
Platinum understands that quick action after a fire, water, or smoke is crucial in the conservation of any electronic item on your property. When the contaminated items are not cleaned within a certain time frame the damaging corrosion process will begin. Even though exterior damage may not be present, the interior of the electronic equipment can be severely affected with the early onset of deterioration.
When the environment is contaminated, smoke particles from smoke residue will begin to gravitate to plastics, copper, and aluminum, which can all be found in all commercial and residential electronics. Any electronic item that was directly contaminated or suspected of contamination, should be cleaned before any corrosion can begin. Our electronic recovery technicians are professionally trained to use the Fireline Ultrasonic system to restore your electronics back to their pre-loss condition.
Data Recovery
At Platinum, we understand that electronic data stored on hard drives, data cartridges, phones, tablets, and computers are extremely important to the homeowner or operations of a business.
Nothing can cause more stress and heartbreak to a family than losing treasured family memories or important information. Recovering the data is vital after any type of loss even if the pre-loss condition of the electronic item cannot be obtained. Let Platinum Restoration help minimize business interruption as well as preserve important family memories by trusting us with your electronic restoration needs.
If pre-loss condition cannot be obtained, Platinum will proceed by running diagnostic testing on important electronics and computer components to verify the cause of damages. We will then estimate the repair cost and provide any information we find to you.